Tuesday, December 8, 2015

B2B vs. B2C

In brief, 

It is all about what is the main target of your business that you sell your service/product to them.

B2B = Business to Business
B2C = Business to Customer

There are actual difference in perspectives, questions answering, finding the need, measuring the success, finding the first interested clients,.... lots and lots ...

My background experience came from iOS/Mac development, I have shared people building such great apps like Clear Day, Weather HD, Saily, Nuwe Platform ...  It is clear that it is only related to B2C, nothing in the other B2B world.

So being aware of B2B best concepts, I recommend reading book called

"Lean B2B Build products businesses want" by Etinne Garbugli, Book

It is very nice book, cover lots of people experience, I will share the book summary in another post.

Have Fun